Wednesday, May 5, 2010

How t o remove Windows Genuine Advantage Validation in winodws XP

Yesterday one of my customers called and said that her computer came up with this black screen and her desktop background disappears, each time she try to restore the original image as her desktop background it changes back to the black screen the next time she restarted her computer. So today I am sharing with you on how to put a solve to this problem if you ever encounter one similar to this one.

Windows Genuine Advantage Validation is a program designed for windows XP for checking the licence by Microsoft department so after installing a fresh copy of windows XP on your computer and download all the updates and restart your computer you will get a pop up dailogue box asking to validate your copy of windows XP, the screen shot below shows what I am talking about.

This results in giving you a black screen with a notification at the bottom that says you are a victim of software counterfeiting etc.

Now to fix the problem you have to download the WGA crack this can be downloaded here
after you have download and extract the file the open the file then run the installer.bat file

Next you will get a command prompt that will ask you to press any key to continue...

Now just press any key and it will start to do its thing after it is finished just restart the computer and the WGA notification at the bottom will be removed and you will have to set back your desktop wallpaper background image. Well that concludes this post for today I hope you found it useful and thanks for reading.

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