Thursday, April 15, 2010

How to remove Autorun.inf Virus from Jump Drive or any Storage Media

For the past two days I have not posted any blogs because I was a little busy and my internet connection at work was down for the moment, so I am able to post a topic this morning. So what I am going to share with you today is how to remove an autorn.inf virus from a jump drive or any storage media but I am focusing mainly on the USB Jump Drives. Many times when a computer is infected with a virus is that it reproduces itself automatically without our knowledge and often cause many abnormal behavior on our computer. So for example you just baught a brand new Jump Drive and you say to your self that this jump drive will never be infected with a virus or any malicious programs. So you went to a friend of yours computer and plugged in your clean jump drive that has no infection what so ever into your friend's computer and that 's it your jump drive becomes infected so easily and you take it home and plugged it into your computer and your computer becomes a ZOMBIE!!. So many people today are in great fear when it comes to jump drives and viruses even if the computer has an Anti-Virus installed.

IKill is a program that was developed by the Aprantech team, now this program was developed specially for USB Jump Drives and it works on Windows 98/2000/XP/Vista not sure about Windows 7 yet. You can download IKill here, after you have download it make sure you have .Netframework 2.0 or higher installed on your computer before installing IKill you can download .Netframework here also. After Ikill is installed you will be prompt wiht the Ikil interface.

Now make sure you have Enable Auto Protect checked and Start up with windows that is optional as you can see I don't left it checked and I rather leave it unchecked because if you have a floppy disk drive it will continuously scan the drive and the activity LED on the drive will light up continuously this took me a long time to figure out the problem so that is why I leave it unchecked, but if you don't have any floppy disks drive at all you can go ahead and leave it checked. So all you have to do is plug in the flash drive or any storage media and make sure the ikill window is opend thescreen shot shown above. For on the safer side if you want to know if the drive is infected just go to My Computer and look at the drive image it should look like the screen shown below.

This indicates that the drive is infected and ikill will remove the autorun.inf virus from the root of the jump drive. Now all it is waiting for is you to double click that icon and your computer wil become a ZOMBIE!!. Once Ikill has removed it from the drive you flash drive icon shoould look like this screen shot below.

That's the correct way it should look in the My Computer window just like when you just purchased you Flash Drive. Another way to find out if a jump drive is infected is when you plugged the jump drive into the computer and you get the Auto Play option make sure to select open with windows explorer.

This way your computer will not be infected because you did not double click from My Computer. Another way to launch Windows Explorer is to hold down the windows logo key and "E" on at the same time on the keyboard. So that's it no more worries about USB drives and viruses with Ikill to the rescue and again thanks for reading. If you have any problems you can comment to send me an email so that I can help you troublshoot the problem.

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