Friday, April 9, 2010

Weekly Fab Five to things to keep computer safer and up to date

In this time and age of the computing industry computer crimes and scams is a popular one, keeping you computer up to date and ensure proper computer privacy and security is a major issue. So today I am sharing another useful tip hopefully on how to do these five simple steps which I call the weekly Fab five. And they are as follow:

  1. Get a Firewall (Hardware/Software) a firewall is a barrier or an access control that stands between your computer and the internet examples of a firewall is a wireless router(Hardware) or Norton Internet Security Firewall (Software).
2. Update your Anti-Virus and Anti-Spyware programs this can be done manually by going on the vender website of you Anti-Virus and Anti-Sypware and download the latest definitions that provide, examples of good anti-virus programs are like AVG, Norton Anti-Virus(an Excellent one), Kaspersky Anti-Virus and Avast Professional.

3. Start Patch Management this simply means updating your operating system Microsoft releases updates every second Tuesday of each month which is called patch Tuesdays for those who are using a windows operating system(O.S). Download and installing updates from your vendor O.S keeps your computer up to date to the latest exploit out there.

4. Check your Hard Drive they are a lot of hard disk monitoring tool that are freeware and shareware that you can use to constantly checking your hard drive especially for disk defragmenting of the hard drive keeping files in the correct order. My favourite one is The Defraggler free of and easy to use. Or you can use the built in one that came with windows Disk Defragmentor which is located in the system tools in the start menu under Accessories.

5. Last one Back up your Data the data on your computer is what talks to your computer its like gold on your computer in most cases without data your computer is just a lump of hardware so back up your data. You can back up to CD/DVD jump drives and Online servers that supports FIle Transfer Protocol (FTP) . So you cannot afford to lose precious data so BACK UP, BACK UP, BACK UP.

So practicing these 5 weekly to do things and your computer will more optimized and a little more SAFER remember there is no computer out there 100% safe, you only can make your computer more SAFER. So thanks for reading again I hope you found it useful.

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